Sunday, February 19, 2012


The brilliant thing about photography is the controlled lack of control one sometimes has. Here are some examples of some light tricks that my lens and hand have played on me.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

C215 Graffiti Artist

C215 is a graffiti artist that creates beautiful stensil works. Here are some images that I found in Rome. Incredible! 

Post I

I've been home from Italy for two weeks now, a lot has happened since then but I still feel like i'm walking the streets of Rome, the cobblestones ruining my shoes and twisting my clumsy ankles.  I want the purpose of this blog to be both a reflection on my life and the things I bump into. It's going to be a file folder for future ideas and current ones. The fact that time is linear provides some organization to my chaos. Maybe this will spur future blogs with a better focus.

It's really the simple things that become the most extraordinary. Who knew that a bag of flour and a few eggs became pasta when mixed the right way.